Sunday, 1 November 2015

To do:

Due Date
 Year 10 Science
 Year 11 Psychology
 Year 11 
Legal Studies

Friday 30th October
Chapter 4.4 Chemistry Portfolio.

Friday 23rd October
Chapter 4.3 Chemistry Portfolio.

Friday 16th October
Chapter 4.2 Chemistry Portfolio.

Friday 9th October
Chapter 4.1 Chemistry Portfolio.
ERA Draft - Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method and Results.

Due Date
Year 10 Science
Year 11 Psychology
Year 11 
Legal Studies
Year 12 Psychology
Friday 18th September
Genetics Quiz
(30 MCQs)
Reflection on Intelligence.

Keep revising!

Check “Psych Study Resources” for more help.
Wednesday 16th September
Question 1 – 2 (p. 45).

Question 13 (p. 62).

Gene Therapy Consent Letter.

Monday 14th September

Poster about yourself.

Friday 11th September

CHC reflection and journal task.

Salovey and Mayer reflection and journal task.
Select one activity from the Student Activity Sheet – Mabo.
Wednesday 9th September

Apply your understanding
(Q 1 – 2, p. 464).

(Q1 – 3, p. 459).

Annotated visual display
(Q1, p. 460).

Monitoring human rights
(p. 461).
Friday 4th September

Gardner’s reflection and journal task.

Sternberg’s reflection and journal task.